Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Beans turns 3! Twins turn 33 weeks!

Beans finally grew up and became a lady. Check out her pink collar and chew toy she got for her b-day. We made it a big deal this year because she will soon find herself last on the family priority list and thats going to be a BIG transition for her.

Dr. appointment went really well today, the Dr. thought we haven gotten three blessings so far, the babies the first two and the very healthy pregnancy the third. Lets all pray that the good health continues. Mary is carrying the babies very well and it sounds like we may have 5 weeks left. We scheduled an appointment for April 30th, the Dr. wasn't available for May-Day, to induce or have C-Section. That is of course if the twins don't decide to come a little bit earlier. Were still hoping that KP will hurry up and get head down so we can have a chance at a birth without surgery. We'll see, either way will be absolutely amazing.

Speaking of amazing, congrats Meg & Scott, it was absolutely beautiful to be there for the birth of little Nora Bentley Alexander.

Kevin and Kaitlyn are doing excellent. Both have great weight gain (4lbs 12oz and 4lbs 8oz). Our guess is that we will have a little "Schroeder" girl and a little "Wellnitz" boy. Kat has a long femur and the cutest little "chubby" rolls. KP still has a large head and a shorter femur.

Oh yah, have we let everyone know that we have decided on names? Actually, we've heard that the worlds worst secret keeper, Brian Patrick "Grandpa" Wellnitz, has already let the family know. It'll be Kaitlyn Michelle and Kevin Patrick.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is just the cutest picture ever of Ms. Beans. Give her a big Happy B'day hug for me. And great news on those babies and that Mom is doing so great, too! Check out those exercises to get that sweet boy to get his head down. See you all soon...luv ya!